
Posts Tagged ‘pears’

Yeah, yeah — “decenter” isn’t a word. Okay, “more decent.” Happy now? “More Decent Photos.”

Anyway, I managed to get my hands on some new batteries over the weekend, so there won’t be any more crap cellphone photos on here. For a while, anyway. Here are my bento lunches from the past two days:


Here you can see my handmade sushi again, which didn’t turn out so well. They weren’t very tasty, either — all they had inside were carrot and cucumber sticks. Dipped in Dollar Tree soy sauce, which is pretty gross in the first place, they’re less than a delicacy. Anyway, I’ve also got a couple pickles and some leftover cucumber and carrot sticks. For some reason, the cucumber sticks tasted nasty, too. Maybe I just have the power to make things taste bad without doing anything to them.

In the other container is a little fruit salad (mandarin oranges, apple chunks, and peach chunks) covered up by my pretty starfruit slices. That actually ended up tasting pretty good. And of course, my little onigiri is tucked in beside it, still a part of the mandarin-orange-filled series. I’m out of mandarin oranges, now, so hopefully I can come up with something more interesting to put inside next time.


On the top, you can see my container full of Dollar Tree soy sauce that seems to be becoming progressively more nasty. I’ve got a 100-calorie pack-full of fudge cookies and the last of the mandarin orange onigiri in there, as well. On the bottom is the rest of my crapsushi and yet more apple chunks and mandarin oranges. I imagine I’m starting to repeat myself… I need to find more interesting things to pack.

Anyhoodles, I made some tuna helper for me and the folks tonight… Not much to say other than it wasn’t bad. Ate a pint of Ben and Jerry’s Stephen Colbert’s Americone Dream ice cream on Sunday, of which I want more. I made some coconut macaroons in Foods on Friday. They stuck to the aluminum foil and weren’t fully golden brown on the outside due to time constraints, but they were delicious. I also ate at the local Tokyo Buffet with my best friend over the weekend, which is probably my current favorite place to eat. I’m writing a review of it for the school newspaper, so there’ll probably be more on that later.

Well, that’s enough outta me. G’bye!

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